Tuesday, October 9, 2018

I met Ian Coury last winter as he slipped through Denver, way under the radar. He was playing in a small venue many have never heard of. Well, you have, if you read my rambling emails.

He was playing at La Cour on the way to a gig at the NAMM show in LA. And as soon as she booked him, Janet, the owner of La Cour, sent me his link, "Have you ever heard of this kid?" I hadn't, but I listened and said, IM COMING! And I immediately thought "I want to play with this rapaz."

There was a handful of brasileiros and Brazil music fans there, and we had a great night listening to great music and meeting Ian, his Mom and his friends. We exchanged CDs, and they left the next day. End of story.

Apparently not! A good friend, Eva (aka CrestoneStar Productions) called me up awhile later and asked, "Have you ever heard of Ian Coury? Im thinking of booking him here...who should I get to back him up?"

The rest is about to be history. Buy tickets NOW and come to Broomfield Auditorium Friday, Oct 12. Write the last chapter for yourself!

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